Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Comparative Study of Somatotypes Between Badminton and Table Tennis Players

Krishna. R. Yadav, Dr. Sundar Raj Urs.

Abstract :

The identification of physical characteristics in a sport modality contributes to its success and enables to spot differences among athletes of different modalities, which is of great interest for both sport coaches and scientists. The Badminton and Table Tennis are the racquet sports which are played between two opposing players or two opposing pairs the size, shape and form of the players are known to play a significant role in Badminton and Table Tennis. The purpose of this study was to compare the somatotype profile of Badminton and Table Tennis players. Total of 90 male players from badminton N=50, Table Tennis N=40 subjects were selected from of different colleges affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad St: Karnataka, the ages of athletes were between 20 to 25 years. The z–test was used for compå the mean Somatotypes of Badminton and Table Tennis players. Statistical analysis revealed significant differences in the mean meso and ectomorphic profiles and insignificant difference in the mean endomorphic profile of Badminton and Table Tennis players.

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Krishna. R. Yadav, Dr. Sundar Raj Urs. A Comparative Study of Somatotypes Between Badminton and Table Tennis Players Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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