Volume : I, Issue : V, February - 2012

A Comparative Study Of Second Trimester MTP With Use Of Vaginal Misoprostol And Extra Amniotic Instillation Of Ethacridine Lactate.

Dr. Swati , Dr. Ketaki, Dr. S. Darawade, Dr. Priyamvada S,

Abstract :

In a randomised controlled study conducted at B.J. Medical College Pune, 100 patients undergoing second trimester medical termination of pregnancy (MTP)were included. Methodology: Group A received tablets misoprostol 200 mcg vaginally every 6 hourly till abortion. Group B underwent extraamniotic instillation of 150 cc of ethacridine lactate. Patients were observed for induction abortion interval, completeness of abortion and complications. Results: 100% success rate was observed in group A. Induction abortion interval was significantly less in group A. It was not affected by gestational age. In group B induction abortion interval goes on reducing as gestational age advances. Average dose of misoprostol required for complete abortion is 621.92 mcg. No major complications were noted in any group. Conclusion: Misoprostol should be drug of choice for second trimester MTP as it is highly effective with significantly less induction abortion interval.  

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Dr.Swati ,Dr. Ketaki, Dr.S.Darawade, Dr.Priyamvada S, A Comparative Study Of Second Trimester MTP With Use Of Vaginal Misoprostol And Extra Amniotic Instillation Of Ethacridine Lactate. Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.I, Issue.V February 2012

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