Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2013

A Comparative Study of Perturb–Observance Method and Incremental Conductance Method

Arjyadhara Pradhan, Dr S. M Ali, Ritesh Dash

Abstract :

The need of Solar Photovoltaics has increased greatly in comparison to the traditional non–renewable energy sources. These resources are a promising solution for the future day’s energy requirement. Extracting maximum energy from the solar panels increases the overall efficiency of the system. Maximum power point is the point in the I–V curve of the solar module where the current and voltage corresponding to this point is maximum and more of electrical energy is extracted other than mechanical and thermal energy. In order to make best use of the PV system there are two ways i.e. orienting the panels in the direction of solar radiation and secondly electrically tracking the maximum power point by load matching. There are various methods of working of MPPT. In this paper two major methods i.e. the Perturb and Observance method and the Incremental Conductance method are taken. By using Matlab simulation of PV system using a Buck–Boost converter the two methods are tested and the energy and efficiency of both the methods are calculated. It is clear that though P and O method is simple Incremental Conductance method gives a better result.  

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Arjyadhara Pradhan, Dr S.M Ali, Ritesh Dash A Comparative Study of Perturb-Observance Method and Incremental Conductance Method Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.V May 2013

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