Volume : VIII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

A Comparative Study of Open Haemorrhoidectomy with Minimally Invasive Procedure For Haemorrhoids (M.I.P.H)

Dr Vijay Pal Singh

Abstract :

Background:The most common method of surgical treatment for hemorrhoids is haemorrhoidectomy; the most common operative technique used in it is Milligan–Morgan open haemorrhoidectomy. The other technique is minimally invasive procedure for haemorrhoids is relatively newer technique. Objectives:To compare open haemorrhoidectomy with minimally invasive procedure for haemorrhoids with special reference to operative time, post operative pain, post operative bleeding, duration of hospital stay and recurrence. Material and Methods: This was a prospective study compå the two types of surgical procedures for haemorrhoidsie. Milligan–Morgan haemorrhoidectomy, and Minimally invasive Procedure for haemorrhoids in 50 patients admitted and underwent surgery in with complaints of bleeding per rectum, pain during defecation, mass per rectum, discharge and irritation.Results:Haemorrhoids were common in the age group of 40yrs and above with mean age of presentation 45.8±13.8 years. There are less number of patients above 60 yrs. Male (69%) patients are more in number than female (31%) patients. Bleeding, pain and mass per rectum were the most common complaints as majority of patients operated are grade III and grade IV. In this study, 51% of the patients are grade III and rest are grade II &IV. The operating time in present study for stapler haemorrhoidectomy was 28.76±3.5min and for open haemorrhoidectomy 36.2±6.5min. Stapled haemorrhoidectomy was significantly faster than open haemorrhoidectomy (21min versus 31 min). Mean score of pain for MIPH group is 3.5±2 and for Milligan–Morgan group is 5.7±2.2. Pain usually appeared after weaning off of the spinal anaesthesia for which NSAIDs or Tramadol was used. Bleeding in the post–operative period was in 9.5% of the cases of stapler haemorrhoidectomywhere as bleeding was seen in 20.8% of the cases of open haemorrhoidectomy which ranged from dressing soakage to about few drops of blood during defecation. Conclusion: Stapler haemorrhoidopexy is thus a viable alternative to to open haemorrhoidectomy in it’s indicated group of patients who can afford the stapler with distinct advantages.

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Dr Vijay Pal Singh, A Comparative Study of Open Haemorrhoidectomy with Minimally Invasive Procedure For Haemorrhoids (M.I.P.H), INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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