Volume : XII, Issue : IX, September - 2022

A comparative study of open book and closed book examination in a medical college in North India

Dr. Musharraf Husain, Dr. Mir Mujtaba Ahmad, Dr. Tajamul Rashid, Dr. Divya Prasad, Dr. Ajay Thakral, Dr. Sanna Parvez

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A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF OPEN BOOK AND CLOSED BOOK EXAMINATION IN A MEDICAL COLLEGE IN NORTH INDIA, Dr. Musharraf Husain, Dr. Mir Mujtaba Ahmad, Dr. Tajamul Rashid, Dr. Divya Prasad, Dr. Ajay Thakral, Dr. Sanna Parvez INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-12 | Issue-9 | September-2022

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