Volume : IV, Issue : XI, November - 2014

A Comparative Study of Microbial Quality of Street Vended Foods in Chennai City Based on Degree of Processing

Mrs. Sujaya J

Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to examine and compare the microbial quality of street foods in Chennai. The presence of food borne pathogens like e–coli, salmonella, bacillus, coliform and aerobic microbial count was investigated. The street foods were classified on basis of degree of processing as unprocessed, semiprocessed and processed foods. From each category totally three solid and three liquid food items were aseptically collected from six areas for assay. The samples were analyzed by standard procedures within an hour of procurement. None of the samples screened in the present study were in the un–satisfactory grade. However the sugarcane–juice samples and coconut–chutney samples were within acceptable range. The results reveal high degree of contamination in the unprocessed foods followed by the semiprocessed foods. The processed foods that have undergone processing at high temperatures are less contaminated

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Mrs. SUJAYA-J A Comparative Study of Microbial Quality of Street Vended Foods in Chennai City Based on Degree of Processing Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.4, Issue : 11 November 2014

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