Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2016

A Comparative Study of Marathi and English Languages

Mr. Rajendra K. Tambile

Abstract :

A comparative study includes both similarities and differences. The minimum need of a comparative study is the binary concern to meet the full demands of comparison. Etymologically, the term means any literary work that compares. This study intends to compare Marathi and English languages through the illustrations of structure and style of both languages. Marathi is a regional language but it is not going ahead by the experimentation in the use of language. For instance, Bhalachandra Nemade has exercised verbless language in his novel ‘Kosala’. Many sentences in the novel are verbless but they make a complete sense without any difficulty to the reader. There are no articles in Marathi which have an important place at the structural level in English. We cannot find a single printed page in English without the use of articles. Marathi doesn’t have such structural category. The prepositions in Marathi do not occur in isolation, while they are attached to the concerned words. English prepositions are highly productive and they occur as free morphemes. A number of phrases have been formed by using prepositions in English. Marathi has three namely present, past and future but English has subtenses for each of the main tense. There is interference to the learners of English whose mother tongue in Marathi. Even the Indian poet Nissim Ezekiel has omitted articles in English in some of his poems. Many Indian students cannot make use of proper prepositions. The poets like Arun Kolatkar and some others have experimented a different orthographic style in their poetry. There are some others areas such as sentence pattern, suprasegmental features, grammar etc. for the comparative study of Marathi and English.

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Mr. Rajendra K. Tambile A Comparative Study of Marathi and English Languages Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 2 February 2016

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