Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2015

A Comparative Study Of Famciclovir Versus Acyclovir In The Treatment Of Herpes Zoster

Dr. Y. Arunakumari, Dr. M Subramanyaswamy, Dr. I . Chandrasekhar Reddy , Dr. Indrakshi, Dr. Shiny Shulamite, Dr. Kmurali Reddy

Abstract :

Background:Varicella is the primary infection resulting from exogenous exposure of a susceptible individual to varicella zoster virus whereas herpes zoster is the reactivation of endogenous infection that persisted in latent form within sensory ganglia after an earlier varicella.Famciclovir a new antiviral agent was approved for the management of acute herpes zoster.Materials And Methods:A total of 100 patients presented with rash ,diagnosed clinically were included in the study ,50 patients for each drug that is acyclovir and famciclovir were treated respectively.Results:Out of 100 patients ,majority were in 3rd ,4th and 5thdecade.Thoracic segment was involved in 50% of patients.Common adverse effects in both groups was nausea,it was 12% ,out of them 4% with famciclovir group and 8% with acyclovir group.Time taken for complete healing of the lesions was 20 days in famciclovir group and 27 days in acyclovir (p value >0.01) Conclusion:Safety profile and complete healing were comparatively better in famciclovir group

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Dr. Y.Arunakumari, Dr. M SubramanyaSwamy, Dr.I .Chandrasekhar Reddy , Dr. Indrakshi, Dr. Shiny Shulamite, Dr.KMurali Reddy A Comparative Study Of Famciclovir Versus Acyclovir In The Treatment Of Herpes Zoster Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 2 February 2015

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