Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

A comparative study of collagen dressing and conventional dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer

Dr Manoj Kumar Sethy, Dr Indrajeet Padhy

Abstract :


Diabetic foot ulcer treatment is a challenging health care issue where amputation of lower limbs is common. Though there are various modalities of investigation and treatment available we compared the efficacy of collagen based dressing against conventional dressing in diabetic foot ulcer treatment especially in Indian scenario.


A total of 100 diabetic foot ulcer patients admitted in the department of General Surgery M.K.C.G.MCH, Berhampur from August 2014 to July 2016  divided in two groups namely Collagen and Conventional groups and subjected to collagen sheet and Betadine with gauze respectively. With start of treatment, appearance of granulation tissue, completeness of healing, need for skin grafting, were compared in both groups.


With two weeks of treatment, 56% of the ‘collagen group’ wounds and only 36% of the ‘conventional group’ wounds were sterile (P=0.043). Healthy granulation tissue appeared earlier over collagen–dressed wounds than over conventionally treated wounds (P=0.035). After six weeks, 41 (82%) of ‘collagen group’ wounds and 32 (64%) of ‘conventional group’ wounds were >75% healed (P=0.042). Nine patients in the ‘collagen group’ and 18 in the ‘conventional group’ needed partial split–skin grafting (P=0.04). Collagen–treated patients enjoyed early and more subjective mobility.


Significant better results in terms of completeness of healing of Diabetic foot ulcer is found in collagen dressing. Collagen dressing may avoid the need of skin grafting, and provides additional advantage of patients’ compliance and comfort.

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Dr Manoj Kumar Sethy, Dr Indrajeet Padhy, A comparative study of collagen dressing and conventional dressing in the treatment of diabetic foot ulcer, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾8 | August‾2017

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