Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2017

A Comparative Study Between Pap Smear And Liquid Based Cytology As A Screening Modality For Cervical Cancer And Its Further Management

Suwarna Patil, Bhupendra Patil, Aparna Wahane, Vilas Malkar

Abstract :

 As  a screening test  the liquid based  cytology  is  superior  than  conventional  pap smear. This is a comparative cross sectional study. 100 patients were studied after taking consent. It was observed  that   findings on histopathology  showed  59%  normal ,LSIL  19%,  HSIL 10% ,carcinoma  6% , while pap  smear  showed normal  finding  54%, LSIL 16%,  HSIL12%, carcinoma  7%, and  liquid  based  cytology had  normal  finding 58%, LSIL 19%, HSIL10%  and  carcinoma  6%  . Histopathology was used as a  gold  standard  method . Sensitivity  and specificity  of  pap smear in  detection  of  cervical  cancer  was  90.2% and  80.7%  respectively, while positive predictive value  and  negative predictive value was 80.4%  and  92.6%   respectively,  while  sensitivity  and  specificity  of  liquid  based cytology  in  detection  of  cervical  cancer   was 97.6%  and 96.6%  respectively and positive predictive value  and  negative predictive value is  95.2%and  98.3%  respectively. Liquid based cytology has added advantage over conventional Pap smear since its sensitivity and specificity is higher. 

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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Suwarna Patil, Bhupendra Patil, Aparna Wahane, Vilas Malkar, A Comparative Study Between Pap Smear And Liquid Based Cytology As A Screening Modality For Cervical Cancer And Its Further Management, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume‾7 | Issue‾3 | March‾2017

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