Volume : III, Issue : IX, September - 2013

A Comparative Analysis on the Level of Selected Motor Fitness of Badminton and Tennis Players (Boys)

Dr. Susanta Jana, Mr. Ansar Khan, Mr. Kalidas Karak

Abstract :

The purpose of the study was to compare the selected Motor fitness variables of Badminton and Tennis players (age16–18 years). Fifteen (15) Badminton and Fifteen (15) Tennis players were randomly selected for the study. To measure selected Motor fitness of Badminton and Tennis players Speed, Strength and Leg Explosive Power were measured. For statistical analysis and Interpretation of data‘t’ test was conducted. It was observed that there was significant difference in Speed, Strength and Leg Explosive Power. Result showed that Tennis players have higher level of Motor ability as compare to Badminton players.  

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Dr. Susanta Jana, Mr. Ansar Khan, Mr. Kalidas Karak A Comparative Analysis on the Level of Selected Motor Fitness of Badminton and Tennis Players (Boys) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.III, Issue.IX September 2013

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