Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2018

A Clinicomycological Study of Otomycosis From A Tertiary Care Hospital In Rajasthan

Dr. Surbhi Mittal, Dr. Aruna Vyas, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Maheshwari, Dr. Rajni Sharma

Abstract :

Background: Otomycosis is superficial fungal infection of the external auditory canal, commonly seen in tropical and subtropical regions of the world.  External ear has an ideal warm and humid environment for the proliferation of fungus.

Objectives: To determine the prevalence of various fungal etiological agents in clinically suspected cases of otomycosis & associated predisposing factors.

Materials & Methods: Ear swabswere collected from192 clinically suspected cases of otomycosis (from May 2016 to April 2017) and subjected to direct microscopic examination (10% KOH mount) and fungal culture.

Results: Out of 192 patients, fungus was isolated from 168 (87.5%) cases. The highest incidence was noted in the age group of 21–30 years (27.3%), more prevalent in females (53%) with unilateral distribution more on left ear. Ear picking (72.6%) was the major predisposing factor and pruritis (88%) was the commonest complaint. Aspergillus species (93.8%), especially A.niger (45.5%) was the predominant fungi isolated followed by Candida species (3.3%), Penicillium(1.1%), Mucor(0.5%) and Scopulariopsis(0.5%).

Conclusion: Otomycosis is a common problem and is often misdiagnosed for chronic otitis conditions. High index of clinical suspicion and proper laboratory identification of causative agents is mandatory for appropriate antifungal therapy and to prevent recurrences and complications.

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Dr.Surbhi Mittal, Dr.Aruna Vyas, Dr. Rakesh Kumar Maheshwari, Dr. Rajni Sharma, A Clinicomycological Study of Otomycosis From A Tertiary Care Hospital In Rajasthan, INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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