Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Clinico–Pathological Study of Granulomas of the Nose

Deeganta Mohanty, , Manaswini Das, Ranka Nidhi Samal

Abstract :

Background Granulomas of the nose are chronic inflammatory lesions due to multiple aetiologies. They may be infectious, inflammatory or neoplastic in origin. Methods The present study comprises of 150 cases of granuloma nose to determine the aetiological agent(s). Results Most of the cases were found to be due to rhinosporidiosis (91.33%) and rhinoscleroma (6%). Other aetiologies like tuber – culosis (1.33%), leprosy and foreign body granuloma (0.67% each) were also found. Conclusions A clinical suspicion about these relatively rare and neglected diseases and a histopathological examination is required for their early diagnosis and management. 

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Deeganta Mohanty, , Manaswini Das, Ranka Nidhi Samal A Clinico-Pathological Study of Granulomas of the Nose Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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