Volume : IX, Issue : XII, December - 2019


Dr. J. Jayaram, Dr. J. Sandhya, Dr. Garimella Roopa Sree, Dr. B. Ashfaq Ahmed

Abstract :

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To determine the incidence of solitary nodule of thyroid in relation to age, sex, functional status and its complications. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This is a prospective analysis of 50 cases of solitary nodule of thyroid admitted in department of general surgery, Kurnool medical college, Kurnool during June 2017 to June 2019 which were confirmed by thyroid profile, ultrasonography of neck and fine needle aspiration cytology. RESULTS: In our study, the mean age of presentation is 37.24 years with female to male ratio of 9:1. 92% patients were in euthyroid state at the time of presentation. FNAC reported 64% of cases as benign finding with most common aetiology being dominant nodule of multinodular goitre(36%). CONCLUSIONS: Solitary nodule of thyroid is more common in females in the age group of 3rd to 5th decade. The most common presentation being swelling in front of the neck. Most of the patients are in euthyroid state. Common causes of solitary nodule of thyroid are MNG (36%), follicular adenoma (24%). The most common malignancy in solitary nodule of thyroid is papillary carcinoma (67%), followed by follicular carcinoma (33%). The incidence of carcinoma in males presenting as thyroid nodule is higher (25%) compared to that of females (10.87%).

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A CLINICAL STUDY OF SOLITARY NODULE OF THYROID, Dr.J.Jayaram, Dr.J.Sandhya, Dr.Garimella Roopa Sree, Dr.B.Ashfaq Ahmed INDIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-12 | December-2019

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