Volume : VI, Issue : IV, April - 2016


Dr. Raju B, Dr. Gautham Reddy

Abstract :

 Background: A mass in the right iliac fossa is one of the commonest problems encountered in surgical practice, requiring skill to diagnose. A clinical diagnosis is often difficult due to other conditions like obesity and guarding, with the mass being palpable only when the patient is on operating table. Methods: Fifty patients with signs and symptoms of right iliac fossa mass admitted under Osmania General Hospital were identified and were studied by taking detailed clinical history, physical examination and were subjected to various investigations like x ray erect abdomen, chest x–ray, contrast x–ray, ultrasonogram and colonoscopy. Results: In the present study appendicular mass constituted 46%, appendicular abscess 18%, ileocaecal tuberculosis 12%, carcinoma caecum 8%, ovarian tumous 6%, parietal lipoma 4%, and retroperitoneal tumour, parietal abscess and ileocaecal tuberculosis all constituting 2% each. Conclusion: Appendicular lump remains the most common cause for right iliac fossa mass. Ileocaecal tuberculosis is one of the most important differential diagnoses for pain abdomen in rural population.

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Dr. Raju B, Dr. Gautham Reddy A CLINICAL STUDY OF RIGHT ILIAC FOSSA MASS Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 4 April 2016

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