Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2016

A Clinical Study of Perforating injuries of the Eye.

Dr. N. Jeyanthi, Dr. Sampathkumar

Abstract :

 The aim of the study is to identify the causes, demographic and clinical profile and evaluate the final visual outcome of perforating injuries. This study involves 116 cases of perforating injuries treated at Regional Eye Hospital, Kurnool. Out of 116 cases perforating ocular injuries are high in the age group 21 – 40 years with males more vulnerable both in civilian and industrial sector. Common ocular structure involved was cornea followed by lens and iris. With intervening management the visual outcome was good to moderate. In corneoseleral and posterior segment involvement visual prognosis was very poor . This clearly stresses the need for seeking early professional medical help by specialists. A primary repair with pentagon approach and constant follow up is important to restore better visual outcome and a need for preventive measures.

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Dr. N. JEYANTHI, Dr. SAMPATHKUMAR, A Clinical Study of Perforating injuries of the Eye., Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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