Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2014

A Clinical Study of Microvascular Complications in Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Dr Yash Patel, Dr Ashay Shingare, Dr Gautam Kalita, Dr Vinaya Bhandari

Abstract :


DM is characterized by asymptomatic phase between actual onset of hyperglycemia and clinical diagnosis, which has been estimated to last at least 4-7 years. Although microvascular complications do not occur at onset of disease, due to delay in diagnosis they are commonly present at the time of diagnosis. Aim of the study was to detect microvascular complications at the time of diagnosis of DM.


A total of 50 newly diagnosed Diabetic patients were enrolled over a period of 1 year. Detailed clinical examination and relevant investigations for DM and microvascular complications were carried out.


Classical symptoms of DM were present in 56% patients, 32% had symptoms due to microvascular complications and 12% were asymptomatic. Thirty six percent of the patients presented with neuropathy at the time of diagnosis of DM of which 30% had neuropathy symptoms at presentation, 6% had only signs and 28% had both. Retinopathy was present in 24% and most common form was BDR(12%). 28% of the patients had diabetic nephropathy, with 22% of them having incipient nephropathy.


Microvascular complications were present in 52% at the time of diagnosis of DM this signals physicians to have serious awareness about these unusual presentations and helps in concentrating on further evaluation and appropriate intensive control of diabetes to prevent further complications.

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Dr Yash Patel, Dr Ashay Shingare, Dr Gautam Kalita, Dr Vinaya Bhandari A Clinical Study of Microvascular Complications in Newly Diagnosed Diabetes Mellitus Patients Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. II

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