Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2016

A Clinical Study of Haematological Malignancies in Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital

Dr. Sujatha. B, Dr. Sherry Jenilin. G

Abstract :

 BACKGROUND: Haematological malignancies are types of cancer that arise from blood forming tissues like bone marrow or from the cells of immune system. Every year, 8 lakhs of new cases are being detected. Cancer deaths are around 5.5 lakhs per year. The present scenario of cancer is alarming AIMS: 1. To study the prevalence of types of haematological malignancies 2.To study the sex and age wise distribution of each haematological malignancy. METHODOLOGY: This is a retrospective study conducted in the Department of medical oncology, Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital. Data were collected from Medical Oncology Cancer Registry. Total numbers of cancer cases with age and sex wise distribution of haematological malignancies were analysed. CONCLUSION: The commonest haematological malignancy was found to be Leukemia. In lymphoma, NonHodgkins lymphoma was the commonest subtype. Registration of cancer cases should be mandatory and public awareness has to be created to åght against this dreadful disease.

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DR.SUJATHA.B, DR.SHERRY JENILIN.G, A Clinical Study of Haematological Malignancies in Tirunelveli Medical College Hospital, Indian Journal of Applied Research,Volume : 6 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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