Volume : IV, Issue : V, May - 2014

A Clinical Case Series of 20 Patients with Tmj Ankylosis Treated by Two Different Approaches

Dr. Parveen Lone

Abstract :

Ankylosis of temporo–mandibular joint causes many problems like mastication, digestion, speech, appear –ance and hygiene. So this study evaluated the results of ankylosis treated with interpositional arthroplasty using temporalis fascia flap and gap arthroplasty. Twenty cases of unilateral temporomandibular joint ankylosis were evaluated in this study with a follow–up of 2 years. All the patients were divided into two groups. Group A consisted of 10 patients in whom interpositional arthroplasty using temporalis fascia flap was done & Group B consisted of 10 patients in whom gap arthroplasty was done. Alkayat & amley incision was given and ankylosed bone was removed by giving a cut on the mandibular side. An interincisal distance of 3.5 to 4 cm was achieved intraoperatively, and a 2 year follow up mean range was 4 to 4.4 cm. Those patients who underwent gap arthroplasty revealed no bony reunion after 2 years, and none of the patients showed recurrence. The follow up revealed no signs of deviation in any of the patients. Patient responses to follow– up inquiries suggested that there was 98% satisfaction with the range of mouth opening achieved

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Dr. Parveen Lone A Clinical Case Series of 20 Patients with Tmj Ankylosis Treated by Two Different Approaches Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume.4, Issue.5, May-2014

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