Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2013

A Citation Analysis from Ph.D Dissertations Submitted in 2013 By the Department of Management Studies At Various Universities in India

N. Krishna Dass, Dr. S. Jayaraman

Abstract :

Citation analysis has become vital role of discussion for Liary and Information science professionals it is an important tool of research in liary and information science, documentation and archives in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) environment. It is a statistical tool to present contribution of citations. The present study analyzed the 7892 citations in the Ph.D in Management Dissertations submitted in the year 2013 at various universities in India. The distribution of resources by format and rank. It is found that journals are most dominant form of resources cited. Newsletters are least consulted form of citation. The study investigated the use of liary resources by Ph.D research scholars of Management disciplines in India. It examined the user’s awareness of the different types of resources available in the Liary, purpose and frequency of using resources by the scholars, the factor affecting resource utilization, impact of resources and services on the academic work of the research scholar

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N.Krishna dass, Dr.S.Jayaraman / A Citation Analysis from Ph.D Dissertations Submitted in 2013 By the Department of Management Studies At Various Universities in India / Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.3, Issue.10 October 2013

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