Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2016

A case of Prune Belly Syndrome complicated by Pneumoperitoneum

Dr. Kanchan Chand Thakur, Dr. Girish Gupta, Dr. Mrityunjay Kumar

Abstract :

 Prune belly syndrome, a rare congenital anomaly, affecting about 1 in 40000 live births; of which 95% are male.PBS is constellation of anterior abdominal defect, bilateral hydroureteronephrosis and abnormalities of the genitourinary tract. Here we report a case of a male baby with PBS because of its rarity, acute complication of pneumoperitoneum & fatal course.

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Dr.Kanchan Chand Thakur, Dr. Girish Gupta, Dr. Mrityunjay Kumar A case of Prune Belly Syndrome complicated by Pneumoperitoneum Indian Journal of Applied Research,Vol.6, Issue : 7 JULY 2016

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