Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2014

A Case of Microscopic Carcinoid Presenting as Acute Appenditics

Dr. Junu Rajan, Dr. K. Pushpalatha Pai

Abstract :

Carcinoid tumours are uncommon malignant neuroendocrine neoplasms found mainly in the bowel and lung. They are the most common tumours of the appendix. Commonly there are found incidentally on appendectomy and rarely reported in children. We reported a 13–year–old male who presented with the clinical picture of acute appendicitis. Carcinoid tumour was diagnosed on histological examination of the removed appendix. The purpose of reporting this case of carcinoid appendix is to ing the awareness of the diagnosis so that appendix after removal is submitted for histopathological examination even if the appendix looks normal grossly.

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Dr. Junu Rajan, Dr. K. Pushpalatha Pai A Case of Microscopic Carcinoid Presenting as Acute Appenditics Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. III

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