Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2015

A case of Addisons disease presenting as acute abdomen (common presentation of an uncommon disease)

Dr. P. Srinivasulu, Dr. K. Gouthami Sree, Dr. Prathap Bingi

Abstract :

 Thomas Addison was first to describe adrenocortical failure in 1855. Despite advances in the treatment  of this condition, the diagnosis is still often delayed and sometimes missed with potentially fatal consequences. Here we report a case of Addisons disease whose diagnosis was delayed for a period of around a year. Finally the patient came to us and he is diagnosed and is under treatment for the same, which improved his symptoms  drastically. Hereby we report this case to highlight on the importance of early diagnosis and high index of suspicion  among the treating physicians.

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Dr. P.Srinivasulu, Dr. K.Gouthami Sree, Dr.Prathap Bingi A case of Addisons disease presenting as acute abdomen (common presentation of an uncommon disease) Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.5, Issue : 5 May 2015

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