Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2014

A Boost Converter with Voltage Multiplier for Photovoltaic Applications

Lakshmy Suresh, Ms. Anitha. R

Abstract :

 A high step up converter is proposed for a front end photo voltaic system. Through a voltage multiplier module,an asymmetrical interleaved high step–up converter obtains high step–up gain without operating at an extreme duty ratio. The voltage multiplier module is composed of a conventional boost converter and coupled inductors. An extra conventional boost converter is integrated in to the first phase to achieve a considerably higher voltage conversion ratio. The two–phase configuration not only reduces the current stress through each power switch, but also constrains the input current ripple, which decreases the conduction losses of metal–oxide–semiconductor field–effect transistors (MOSFETs). In addition, the proposed converter functions as an active clamp circuit, which alleviates large voltage spikes across the power switches. Thus the low–voltage–rated MOSFETs can be adopted for reduction of conduction losses and cost. Efficiency improves because the energy stored in leakage inductances is recycled to the output terminal. Finally, the prototype circuit with a 40V input voltage, 380V output, and 1000W output power is operated to verify its performance. The highest efficiency is 96.8%.  

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijar  

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"Lakshmy Suresh, Ms.Anitha.R A Boost Converter with Voltage Multiplier for Photovoltaic Applications Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.IV, Issue. IV

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