Volume : VI, Issue : V, May - 2016


T. Thileepan, T. Jeeva

Abstract :

 This paper describes the different types of compression techniques such as lossless and lossy data compression. This survey paper has been written with the help of different types of algorithm like run length, Huffman coding, Shannon–Fano, Lempel ziv, vector quantization etc. The reference of these algorithms has been taken from various books and research papers on Data compression. Today data compression is very useful in our life. The main purpose or aim of data compression is to compress any type of data that is transfer over the communication channel, because of the limited channel bandwidth and data storage capacity. The use of lossless and lossy techniques for data compression means that the numbers of bits are reduced in the original information. By the use of lossless data compression there is no loss in the original information but while using lossy data compression technique some numbers of bits are loss.

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T. Thileepan, T. Jeeva A BIRD EYE VIEW OF KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA IN INDIA Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.6, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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