Volume : VI, Issue : III, March - 2017


Dr. Kanakarathinam. R

Abstract :

 Economic growth or economic development which emphasised more on increase in gross domestic product and per capita income has undergone manifold changes in its definition. The word economic growth or development now means many things, viz, creation of employment, redistribution of income, basic needs, structural adjustment, sustainable development and to human development. Thus, the introduction of human in economic development shifts the focus of development from mere national income and per capita income to people centric development. The human development mainly focuses on the development of people living standard, health standard and education standard that has a direct impact on the development of the people. The importance of human resource development was recognized by UNDP and in 1990 the first report on human development was published. Now, considering the importance of human development in any developmental activities, this paper tries to highlight the level of human development in Nagaland vis-a-vis other North-east states in India. 

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T. Zarenthung Ezung, A Glance on the Human Development Index of Nagaland vis-a-vis North-east State, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-3, March‾2017

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