Volume : IV, Issue : III, March - 2015
Dr. D. Janet Rajakumari, Ms. J. Angel Beulah Gracelin
Abstract :
Women entrepreneurship is now a days a major opportunity for the people who migrate in areas. On the country it
is also a fact that the majority of women entrepreneurs are facing many problems due to not availability of primary
amenities in areas of developing country like India. Lack of education, financial problems, insufficient technical and
conceptual ability it is too difficult for the women entrepreneurs to establish industries in the areas. The environment in the family, society and
support system is not conducive to encourage people to take up entrepreneurship as a career. It may be due to lack of awareness and knowledge
of entrepreneurial opportunities. The young and well educated mostly tend to leave. As per circumstances, l people by force may be more selfsufficient than their urban counterparts, but the culture of women entrepreneurship tends to be weak. Continuous motivation is needed in case
of employee who is sometime difficult for an entrepreneur to Problems in Women Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are playing very important
role in the development of economy. They face various problems in day to day work. As the thorns are part of rose, similarly every flourishing
business has its own kind of problems. Some of the major problems faced by women entrepreneurs are as under. This paper makes an attempt
to find out the problems and challenges for the potentiality of women entrepreneurship. It also focuses on the major problems faced by women
entrepreneurs especially in the fields of marketing of products, financial amenities and other primary amenities, i.e. availability of electricity,
water supply, transport facilities and required energy etc. The changing global environment raises questions about the ability of traditional,
small–scale businesses in areas to share the potential benefits offered by the changing environments. The rapid (though decline) population
growth, coupled with even faster urbanization, creates increasing demands. In India, populations in general grow about twice as fast as the
overall total, and by 2020 they may exceed the size of populations. Such a major demographic trend challenges the capacities of some traditional
small–scale businesses to cope with the increasing demands.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. D.Janet Rajakumari, Ms. J.Angel Beulah Gracelin Women Entrepreneurship in India: Challenges and Problems Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015
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Dr. D.Janet Rajakumari, Ms. J.Angel Beulah Gracelin Women Entrepreneurship in India: Challenges and Problems Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 3 March 2015