Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017

Violence as an impediment to achieve Sustainable Development

Dr. Sanjay Manocha, Dr. Anoop Pandey

Abstract :

 Each year, over 1.6 million people worldwide lose their lives to violence. Violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15-44 years worldwide, accounting for 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females.  Moreover, violence places a massive burden on national economies, costing countries billions of US dollars each year in health care, law enforcement and lost productivity.

War or non violence as a human activity is inherently unsustainable either socially or ecologically.  Violence in today is growing and expanding in all over the world, generating an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty, untouchability and claustrophobia.  We experience not only the physical violence of war and crime, but also economic, racial, religious, psychological, domestic-family and internal violence. There are evidences that violence is a great obstacle to sustainable development.  Violence or wars not only disturbs the human beings but also affect the balance of ecological system.  Therefore, the mantra (magic) for saving and make the resource sustainable is the Non Violence or peace.  There is inevitable relationship between peace and sustainable development. Non violence is not pacifism and it isn�t just a simple methodology for marches or other actions.  More importantly non-violence is not the resigned attitude of those who avoid conflict and graveness out of fear.  Non violence is a great life philosophy and method for taking action.  It has always been inspired by deep moral and religious convictions and today it is the only coherent answer to the spiral of violence surrounding the entire world.  We need to opposed to all types of violence, and not only to the one most spectacular form, namely armed conflicts between or within state actors that we refer to simply as �war�.   The quest for personal peace is bound up with the aim of achieving a peaceful society, and this can only be attained when society as a whole is striving to exist in a reciprocal and harmonious manner with the balance of life and the extra-human world.  In this paper we analyzed that deeply concerned individuals are doing very cogent work on environmental issues, yet somehow the same energies are not as clearly ought to bear on the war system, which we note does as much as or more than any other single human activity to destroy the environment.


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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Dr. Sanjay Manocha, Dr. Anoop Pandey, Violence as an impediment to achieve Sustainable Development, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017

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