Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016
Various Constraint workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computing - Simulated Analysis
Senthilkumar P, S. Arogya Swarna
Abstract :
<p>&nbsp;The popularity of the Internet and the availability of computers and high speed network as low-cost commodities are changing the way we use the computers today. These technical opportunities have led to the possibility to provide anything as a service over the Internet. Cloud computing has gained popularity to provide this service to the users in recent time. To achieve this goal, a cloud must provide services to many users at the same time and as different users have different QoS requirements, the scheduling strategy should be developed for multiple workflows with different QoS requirements. Most of the algorithms developed for scheduling applications on cloud computing focus on a single Quality of Service (QoS) parameter such as execution time or cost or total data transmission time. Even in MQMW [1] algorithm used only two QOS parameters such as reducing the make span of workflow and cost. However, if we consider more than one QoS parameter in to single objective function then the problem becomes more challenging .In this paper we introduced Multiple Workflow QOS Scheduling algorithm to address this problem .The scheduler can schedule multiple workflows which are started at any time and the QoS requirements are taken into account. Experimentation shows that our scheduler is able check the Scalability, Reliability, Average Response Time.</p>
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Senthilkumar P, S. Arogya Swarna Various Constraint workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud
Computingā¾Simulated Analysis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016
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Senthilkumar P, S. Arogya Swarna Various Constraint workflow Scheduling Algorithm in Cloud Computingā¾Simulated Analysis Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue: 2 February 2016