Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Utilizing Aman Husk for Efficient Removal of Reactive Dyes from Industrial Wastewater

Md. Abdul Khalque, Shaikh Sayed Ahammed, Saquib Ahmad Khan, Md. Rabiul Awual, Md. Ekhtekharul Islam, Md. Lutfor Rahman

Abstract :

 A new bio-adsorbent to remove reactive dyes from industrial effluent was investigated in the present study. The adsorbent was thelocally availableaman rice husk (Oryza sativa). Initially, sunfix yellow, a reactive dye common in textile effluents, was used to check the removal efficiency in terms of contact time, pH of dye solution and adsorbent dosage. Complete removal (100%) of dye was achieved at adsorbent/dye ratio of 1450:1 at pH 8 with 125 minutes contact time. Then, the adsorbent was applied to deep colored, raw textile wastewater samples and it was found that 1.45g of adsorbent was able to convert 100 mL of deep colored wastewater to transparent water at pH 8. Additionally, treatment by the adsorbent resulted in significant decreases in pH, BOD, COD, TS, TDS and TSS of wastewater, while improving the DO level. < clear="all" style="page-eak-before:always;mso-eak-type:section-eak" />

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Md. Abdul Khalque, Shaikh Sayed Ahammed, Saquib Ahmad Khan, Md. Rabiul Awual, Md. Ekhtekharul Islam, Md. Lutfor Rahman, Utilizing Aman Husk for Efficient Removal of Reactive Dyes from Industrial Wastewater, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018

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