Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Utilization of Pilot Scale Biogas Slurry by Producing Biomanure for Solanum lycopersicum

Vijayaraghavan R, Gayathri U, Geetha P, Premalatha R

Abstract :

The consistent demand for fossil fuels on a rapid scale has negative impact on the environment and public health. Therefore renewable energy has potential alternative and reduced side effects. Around a decade, anaerobic digestion treatments are used for biomass processing. Biogas and Bio fertilizers are the resources developed by anaerobic digestion. In this study, renewable organic carbon wastes are secreted and introduced to a pilot scale digester. The slurry, water and solid waste in ratio 3:5:2 was maintained throughout the system. The experimental design was maintained for 30 days. A total of 4 litres of biogas was generated during this period. The biometric evaluations were done for 90 days onSolanumlycopersicum, after application of liquid bio fertilizers formulated from biogas effluent.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Vijayaraghavan R, Gayathri U, Geetha P, Premalatha R, Utilization of Pilot Scale Biogas Slurry by Producing Biomanure for Solanum lycopersicum, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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