Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Utility Of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology As A Screening Tool In Diagnosis Of Tuberculous Mastitis

Patil Tushar, Badhe Pallavi

Abstract :

 Characteristic feature of tuberculous mastitis is pus discharging sinus or non-healing painful ulcer which appears late in the disease. It is commonly misinterpreted as malignancy or pyogenic abscess. So to diagnose tuberculous mastitis in initial phase of disease, fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) can be used as it is rapid and minimally invasive technique. The purpose of this study was to see the utility of FNAC as a screening tool for tuberculous mastitis. The present cross sectional study was conducted over three years from 2015 to 2017. FNAC was done on 539 consecutive cases of palpable east lumps referred to the pathology department. After doing FNAC, three alcohol fixed smears were prepared. First smear was stained with Z- N stain by Kenyon’s modified method using 20 % H2SO4, second with routine Hematoxylin Eosin stain while third one was air dried and studied with Leishman’s stain. Out of these 539 patients, 82 were diagnosed having inflammatory east lesion i.e. mastitis. All data regarding inflammatory east lesion was collected and analyzed statistically. In the present study, 41.4% cases were diagnosed as tuberculous mastitis on FNAC, 41.4% patients had granulomatous inflammation and 58.54% patients had acute inflammation. ZN staining was positive in 10 % patients. We got sensitivity of FNAC as 93% and specificity as 70% for screening tuberculous mastitis. Also we found positive predictive value as 41.17% and negative predictive value as 97%. From the study results we conclude that FNAC of east is a useful tool to screen tuberculous mastitis.   

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Utility Of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology As A Screening Tool In Diagnosis Of Tuberculous Mastitis , Patil Tushar, Badhe Pallavi , GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7| Issue-12 | December-2018

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