Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015

Use Of Strychnos potatorum Seed Powder As A Water Purifier: A Sustainable Approach For Rural Development.

Kalekar Sumita Vijay, Shinde Nanda Waman

Abstract :

A lack of economic power for minimum standards of living among the poverty stricken people of the rural communities and the quest for survivability makes them rely on natural resources and utilize them in all aspects of their life. Strychnos potatorum seed powder helps to control water borne diseases which spread through drinking water from open water reservoirs. In the present work we show that it acts as powerful coagulant as well as purifier and make water safe for drinking to rural people. Establishing potential of Strychnos potatorum as water purifier, we are trying to prove its sustainability in the rural areas, addressing major issues like water quality and health. This increases the awareness of the inherent benefits of Strychnos potatorum plant. ABSTRACT KEYWORDS : Natural coagulant Strychnos potatorum seed powder,

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra  

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Kalekar Sumita Vijay, Shinde Nanda Waman Use of Strychnos Potatorum Seed Powder As a Water Purifier: A Sustainable Approach for Rural Development. Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015

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