Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019
Use of personal protective equipment in Sterilized Material Center
Leidiane Oliveira Lozano, Alyne Lima Menezes, Samantha Souza Farias
Abstract :
CME in hospitals have significant importance in the prevention and control of infections, as one of the all phases of the sterilization process development agents. The task of each employee involved in the said process is extensive, requiring training and constant review of the techniques involved. That theme was chosen due to the observation in the practice of non-use of PPE in the CME and the interest in analyzing what the literature focuses on the subject, trying to understand the difficulties in adhering to the non-use of such equipment. The aim of this article is to analyze the publications on the use of PPE in CME, identify factors that hinder adherence to PPE in CME and risks related to failure to use PPE in CME. This research was conducted through an integrative literature review method that provides an assessment of scientific studies in a systematic and expanded form. They were selected for this integrative review 10 (62%) scientific articles database LILACS and 06 (38%) based studies Pubmed / Medline. We conclude that the protection of health workers from exposure to infectious diseases and risks in CME requires a combination of controls, one of which is the use of PPE. It is important to recognize that his protection as a health professional also involves other prevention strategies.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IN STERILIZED MATERIAL CENTER, Leidiane Oliveira Lozano, Alyne Lima Menezes, Samantha Souza Farias GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019
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USE OF PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT IN STERILIZED MATERIAL CENTER, Leidiane Oliveira Lozano, Alyne Lima Menezes, Samantha Souza Farias GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019