Volume : VI, Issue : VII, July - 2017

Tracheal resection and reconstruction - A single center experience of 123 cases in 9 years.

Sivaraman A. , Sasankh R. K.

Abstract :

 The etiology of Tracheal stenosis is multifactorial. The most common acquired cause for tracheal stenosis is Post-intubation followed by inflammatory, traumatic and idiopathic etiology. The most effective surgical treatment is tracheal resection and reconstruction (TRR). Any symptomatic patient with air way obstruction should be considered for surgery. Benign tumors and malignant lesions either primary or secondary from nearby structures like thyroid may also require tracheal resection and reconstruction. In extreme situations, non-surgical treatments like repeated nchoscopic dilatation, laser application and stenting with T tubes or other synthetic conduits are indicated in selective group of patients who are either unfit or unco-operative and to stabilize them before surgical intervention. Through this study over a period of 9 years, we aim to evaluate the various causes of tracheal stenosis, the outcome of surgery and analyze the ways to prevent dreadful complications

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Sivaraman A., Sasankh R. K., Tracheal resection and reconstruction‾A single center experience of 123 cases in 9 years., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE‾7 | JULY -2017

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