Volume : VI, Issue : XI, November - 2017

To study various complications of open CBD exploration in view of residual stones, bile leakage, difficulty in removing t-tube and any infections.

Dr. Salil Yadav, Dr. Ram Gopal Sharma

Abstract :

 An observational study was conducted in Department of General Surgery (MMIMSR), Ambala, on 25 adult patients of choledocholithiasis. They were studied postoperatively by the development of complications associated with T- tube drainage of CBD and complications following T- tube removal. Choledocholithiasis was more common in females with mean age of the patients were48.5±16.8 years. The most common clinical feature was abdominal pain (84.0%). Postoperative complications were observed mostly 4 (16%) patients had postoperative nausea & vomiting followed by bile leakage with 3 (12%). The culture was found positive in 16 (64%) patients. Bile culture should be done routinely in all patients undergoing biliary surgery and antibiotics should be modified depending upon sensitivity report of culture. Cholangiogram is mandatory before removal of T-tube and patients should be observed in hospital after T-tube removal for over a day. Majority of patients developing complications following T-tube removal can be managed conservatively.

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Dr. Salil Yadav, Dr. Ram Gopal Sharma, To study various complications of open CBD exploration in view of residual stones, bile leakage, difficulty in removing t-tube and any infections., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-11, NOVEMBER-2017

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