Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of rabies among adults.

Pradnya Waghmare, B. D. Kulkarni

Abstract :

 Rabies is an infectious fatal disease caused by a virus and transmitted to a human being by the bite of an infected, warm-blooded animals like dogs, jackals, wolves, cats, monkeys etc. More than 95% of the cases are bitten by dogs. It has the highest case fatality rate of any known human infection essentially 100%. It is the only communicable disease of man which is always fatal. Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of rabies among adults. To associate the knowledge with the selected demographic variables. Methods and Materials: A descriptive study conducted in rural area with 100 samples, which excluding those who have taken ART. Results: The adults only 2% sample had excellent, 12(12%) were having very good knowledge score. The minimum score was 6 and the maximum score was 24, the mean score was 12.40 ± 3.232 with a mean percentage score of 49.6. Discussion: Only 2% sample had excellent knowledge, considering nature of diseases it is important to have excellence knowledge regarding vaccination and prevention of disease which contributing reducing mortality rate. The finding of this study revealed that only 12% sample had very good knowledge, which included there is need of aggressive health education strategies regarding rabies.    < clear="all" style="page-eak-before:always;mso-eak-type:section-eak" />

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Pradnya Waghmare, B.D. Kulkarni, To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of rabies among adults., GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018

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