Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018
To Assess the Knowledge Regarding Alcohol Induced Cirrhosis of Liver Among Male In Selected Rural Area
Ms. Pragati R. Bakane, Dr. Seema Singh
Abstract :
Alcoholic cirrhosis is a replacement of liver tissue by fiosis, scar tissue and leading to progressive loss of liver function.1Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding alcohol induced cirrhosis of liver among male in selected rural area. To associate the knowledge score with selected demographic variables. Method and Material: Descriptive research approach was used in this study, among 60 male in rural area of Wardha. Structured knowledge questionnaire were used to collect the data. Result:In this study from detail analysis it shows that majority (18.33%) had poor level of knowledge, (30%) were having average level of knowledge and (11.67%) were having good level of knowledge score and (40% ) were having very good level of knowledge and (0%) were having excellent knowledge level. the mean score was 7.43 ± 2.410 and mean percentage of knowledge was 49.53.only age and types of educational status significant association with demographic variable.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Ms.Pragati R.Bakane, Dr. Seema Singh, To Assess the Knowledge Regarding Alcohol Induced Cirrhosis of Liver Among Male In Selected Rural Area, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018
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Ms.Pragati R.Bakane, Dr. Seema Singh, To Assess the Knowledge Regarding Alcohol Induced Cirrhosis of Liver Among Male In Selected Rural Area, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-7, ISSUE-2, FEBRUARY-2018