Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016
To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and skill of antenatal mothers regarding daily fetal movement count in selected hospitals Wardha
Mrs. Pradnya Sakle, Ms. Archana Teltumbade
Abstract :
Background of the study: Maternal assessment of fetal activity is a simple yet valuable method for monitoring the fetal condition. Daily fetal movement count is simple to understand, is non invasive, can be done at home and does not interfere with most daily routines. In general the presence of fetal movement is a reassuring sign of fetal health. The opportunity for the expectant mother and her partner to participate in the assessment of the fetus is one positive aspect of monitoring of fetal movements. They are also able to become more aware of the fetus, this may foster attachment behavior.Objectives: 1) To assess the Knowledge of Antenatal Mothers regarding Daily Fetal Movement Count.2 )To assess the skill of Antenatal Mothers Regarding Daily Fetal Movement Count.3) To evaluate the effect of structured Teaching program regarding Daily Fetal Movement Count in Terms of gain in knowledge and gain in skill.4) To find out relationship between knowledge and skill of Antenatal Mothers regarding Daily Fetal Count. Material and Methods: Quasi experimental Approach was used were participated 60 samples and one group pretest, post-test research design used. A structured questioner was used to collected the data by the researcher. Results: Oveall Skill score mean difference 2.96±0.70 The tabulated value for n=60-1 i.e 59 degrees of freedom was 1.98. The calculated ‘t’ value are much higher than the tabulated value at 5% level of significance for overall skill score of antenatal mothers which is statistically acceptable level of significance. Overall knowledge score mean difference 7.85±2.28 The tabulated value for n=60-1 i. e 59 degrees of freedom was 1.98. The calculated ‘t’ value are much higher than the tabulated value at 5% level of significance for overall knowledge score of antenatal mothers which is statistically acceptable level of significance. Conclusions: Minor fetal ill health conditions affecting day-to-day life have a major burden on pregnancy period. If the antenatal mothers having good knowledge she has to minimize the complications about daily fetal movement count and also help for to reduced the complications.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Mrs. Pradnya Sakle, Ms.Archana Teltumbade, To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and skill of antenatal mothers regarding daily fetal movement count in selected hospitals Wardha, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Vo
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Mrs. Pradnya Sakle, Ms.Archana Teltumbade, To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on knowledge and skill of antenatal mothers regarding daily fetal movement count in selected hospitals Wardha, Global Journal For Research Analysis,Vo