Volume : VI, Issue : XII, December - 2017
Dr. Ajit Dungdung, Dr. Vishwanath M Jalawadi, Dr. Upendra Prasad Yadav, Dr. Gita Bipin Chandra
Abstract :
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP), a disorder commonly seen in Asian men, mainly appears in case of hyperthyroidism and is characterised by aupt onset of Amyotonia associated with hyokalemia . this condition primarily affects the lower extremities and is secondary to thyrotoxicosis. Early recognition of TPP is vital to initiate appropriate treatment and to avoid the risk of life threatening cardiac arrhythmia due to rebound hyperkalemia that may occurs if high dose potassium replacement is given1. Once recognised, therapeutic approach and treatment is simple and the prognosis is excellent.
Here we report a case of 30 year old male with thyrotoxic periodic paralysis from Hatia-Ranchi presented to RIMS central emergency with weakness in all four limbs since one day, diagnostic and therapeutic approach.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr. Ajit Dungdung, Dr. Vishwanath M Jalawadi, Dr. Upendra Prasad Yadav, Dr. Gita Bipin Chandra, THYROTOXIC PERIODIC PARALYSIS, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-12, DECEMBER-2017
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Dr. Ajit Dungdung, Dr. Vishwanath M Jalawadi, Dr. Upendra Prasad Yadav, Dr. Gita Bipin Chandra, THYROTOXIC PERIODIC PARALYSIS, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : VOLUME-6, ISSUE-12, DECEMBER-2017