Volume : IX, Issue : VII, July - 2020

The Prevalence Of Tongue Thrusting Habit Among Periodontitis Patients :The Dynamic Relationship

Dr. Anil Sharma, Dr. Suman Rao, Dr. Rupali, Dr. Vikas Jindal, Dr. Ranjan Malhotra, Dr. Amit Goel, Dr. Malvika Thakur

Abstract :

Background: .Tongue thrust swallowing has been defined as the forward placement of the tongue lie between the incisors during deglutition. Tongue thrust are amongst the parafunctional habits that have always been considered as etiological factors for dental disorders by different investigators. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of tongue thrusting habit and their incidence on periodontal disease among patients referred to the Department of Periodontology and Implantology of Himachal Dental College and Hospital, Sundernagar, Mandi, HPU. Material and Methods: Four hundred and fifty patients, undergoing first phase of periodontal therapy, were selected. Among them, those patient which have tongue thrusting habit were diagnosed and periodontal indices (probing pocket depth, gingival recession, spacing and gingival enlargement) were measured. Also, crown-root ratio was measured for upper and lower anterior teeth. Results: Tongue thrusting was seen in 24.2% of patients, whereas 24.4% and 35.8% of them showed an increase in periodontal pocket depths in their upper and lower jaws,respectively. Gingival recession was found in the upper jaw in 14.98% and in the lower jaw in 48.25% of the cases. Crown to root length ratio in 22.6% of the upper incisors and 34.1% of the lower incisors were found to be higher than normal. Pathological tooth migration was observed between the incisors in 29.2% and 41.6% of the patients in the upper and lower jaws, respectively. Finally 34.2% of the patients showed gingival enlargement. Conclusion: The results of the present study revealed a considerable increase in the prevalence of various periodontal diseases among these subjects Tongue interposition and tongue thrust swallow lead to periodontal pocket, gingival recession, alveolar bone resorption, tooth mobility and diastema. Early termination of pernicious habits allows for prevention of periodontal problems and possibility of soft and hard tissues regeneration. To prevent the progression of periodontal diseases and to restrict the clinical problems of these patients by giving habit eaking appliance and maintaining good oral hygiene and regular dental check up are suggested.

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THE PREVALENCE OF TONGUE THRUSTING HABIT AMONG PERIODONTITIS PATIENTS :THE DYNAMIC RELATIONSHIP, Dr. Anil Sharma, Dr. Suman Rao, Dr. Rupali, Dr. Vikas Jindal, Dr. Ranjan Malhotra, Dr. Amit Goel, Dr. Malvika Thakur GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-9 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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