Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015
The Practice of Postnatal Care among the Mothers in Sangethapatti Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District
Dr. C. Gobalakrishnan, Ms. C. Amrin
Abstract :
Both mothers and children constitute more than half of the total population of our country. Tough number wise they are
stronger but for morbidity and mortality rate they are very weak. It means that they are vulnerable for both morbidity
and mortality rate. To control both morbidity and mortality rates, the prenatal as well as postnatal cares are essential
for both children and mothers. Prenatal care starts immediately after conception and extends till the birth of the baby. Postnatal care is a period
which begins after birth of the child and extends for about six weeks. The present paper aims to understand the practices of postnatal care among
the mothers in Sangethapatti Village Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Dr.C.Gobalakrishnan, Ms.C.Amrin The Practice of Postnatal Care among the Mothers in Sangethapatti Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015
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Dr.C.Gobalakrishnan, Ms.C.Amrin The Practice of Postnatal Care among the Mothers in Sangethapatti Panchayat in Omalur Taluk of Salem District Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 4 April 2015