Volume : II, Issue : VIII, August - 2013

The Legal Position of Bar Girls in India

Prof. Kamlesh M. Pandya

Abstract :

On the eve of 15th August 2005, the Government of the State of Maharashtra declared Ban on performing dance of bar girls in dance bar by making amendments in the Bombay Police (amendment) Act, 2005 and that led a huge cry in all over India. Because there were 2500 dance Bars and 75000 bar girls in Maharashtra State and about 82% bar Girls were out of the State of Maharashtra. A writ petition was filed in Bombay High Court (WP 2450 2005) and H’ble Bombay High Court accepted the plea of the appellants on 1242006, but the Government obtained a stay on the decision and filed an appeal against the decision. On 1672013 out H’ble Supreme Court of India affirmed the decision of the Bombay High Court and the ban has been lifted. The supreme court of India directed some steps to be taken by the Government for pro bono Bar Girls. This article revolves round the history of working of Girls in Dance Bar, the study and survey made by various institutes and legal provisions related with issue, that can be known as Pre–Ban Era and Post–Ban Era

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Prof. Kamlesh M.Pandya / The Legal Position of Bar Girls in India / Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol:2, Issue:8 August 2013

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