Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016

The effect of Duration of Diabetes Mellitus on Choice Reaction Times (Visual and Auditory) in adults as a measure of Neurological Deficit

Dr. Brinda Venkatraman, Dr. Esha Angane, Dr. Prasad Udhoji

Abstract :

 Background: Diabetes mellitus is the most common endocrine disorder. Neurological complications of diabetes are manifold .It is found that sensory perception and motor nerve conduction velocity reduced with increasing duration of diabetes. Reaction time is a simple, non- invasive test to measure the function of sensorimotor association and its measurements might be useful in studying the neurological deficit in diabetics (1). Aim: To study the effect of duration of diabetes on reaction times (visual and auditory).Method: 58males and 42 females aged 30 to 80 years visiting endocrinology OPD formed the study group. Depending upon the duration of diabetes, 3 groups [Group 1(<10yrs), group 2 (10-20yrs) and group 3(>20yrs)] were identified and reaction time measurements taken. Result: A significant increase in reaction times was found with duration of diabetes between 10-20years as compared to other two groups. Conclusion: This study suggests that the reaction times increases with duration of diabetes.

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Dr. Brinda Venkatraman, Dr. Esha Angane, Dr. Prasad Udhoji The effect of Duration of Diabetes Mellitus on Choice Reaction Times (Visual and Auditory) in adults as a measure of Neurological Deficit Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 5, Issue : 5 M

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