Volume : V, Issue : XII, December - 2016

The Bitter Pill of Teaching English Grammar to the Students of Second Language Learning.

Mr. M. Ramesh Kumar

Abstract :

 The very utterance of the word Grammar sends a chill down the spine for many non- native students of English. The learning and Teaching of grammar, for some reasons, has always been regarded as ‘Pain the neck’ or ‘necessary evil’ for students and teachers whose mother tongue is not English. Arguments and counter arguments abound about the importance and the role of English grammar in learning and teaching of the same as a second language. Over the centuries, many theories and methods of learning and teaching English grammar have been advanced. Since then, the idea of incorporating ‘Grammar’ consciously with a view to render communicative competence or edge to L2students has been gradually yet critically gaining momentum in educational programs. This paper iefly attempts to lend credence on the general concept of Grammar while delineating the practical benefits of   Learning and Teaching of Grammar in the context of second language learning. This paper finally endeavours to ward off the misconception surrounding the Learning and Teaching of grammar  as a worthless, boring chore that the students and the teachers have to  inevitably  put up with  in their academia, thus drives  home the home truth that the prescription of grammar  in  the ESL and EFL context , might be bitter but  begets  better and sweeter results


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Mr.M.Ramesh Kumar, The Bitter Pill of Teaching English Grammar to the Students of Second Language Learning., Global Journal For Research Analysis,Volume : 5 | Issue : 12 | December 2016

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