Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018


Dr. Sayed Abrar, Dr. Vikas Allwani, Dr. Jaiprakash Rathod, Dr. Saba Siddiqui, Dr. Kishor Sapkale, Dr. Manoj M. Ramugade

Abstract :

Radicular cysts of the jaws are the most commonly occurring odontogenic cyst encounterd in dental clinics. It generally develops in the periapical granulomas that originate as a sequlae to the persistent inflammation and necrosis of the dental pulp. They are generally asymptomatic and may be diagnosed during routine radiologic investigations. In the past, all cystic lesion were treated by surgical approach. But in the recent years the trends have shifted to the conservative nonsurgical management. When apical radiolucency appears to be small, routine endodontic treatment will usually cause complete resolution of the pathology and bone loss. Larger lesions involving multiple teeth need surgical approaches like decompression, marsupialisation and enucleation. Advent of newer concepts, techniques and materials have decreased the need of surgeries to a large extent and increased the success of surgical approach. We hereby report a case of a radicular cyst associated with maxillary right central incisor and lateral incisor that was successfully managed with routine endodontic treatment followed by surgical enucleation, apicectomy under microscope and placement of MTA as a retrograde filling material. One year follow up of the case shows healing as desired.

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Dr. Sayed Abrar, Dr. Vikas Allwani, Dr. Jaiprakash Rathod, Dr. Saba Siddiqui, Dr. Kishor Sapkale, Dr. Manoj M. Ramugade, SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF RADICULAR CYST : A CASE REPORT, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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