Volume : VI, Issue : II, February - 2017
Superstition programmes in the media and its impact on society
Vinay M
Abstract :
A superstition is anything that people believe that is based on myth, magic, or irrational thoughts. They are beliefs that are steeped in lore or tradition, and it is usually difficult to pinpoint the exact origin. Superstitions are also known as old wives‘ tales, legends, and traditions. They may involve animals, graveyards, ghosts, inanimate objects, or even other people.
Superstition in India is considered a widespread social problem. Superstition refers to any belief or practice which is an explained by supernatural causality, and is in contradiction to modern science. Some beliefs and practices, which are considered superstitious by some, may not be considered so by others.
For the purpose of this study. The superstition programs that appeared over a period of three months in two Kannada channels, Namely the TV 9 Kannada and Kasturi News are selected. Considering the importance and frequency of the appearance of the superstition based programs.
This research will discuss how the superstitions spread in the society. The media is one of the most powerful medium to reach the people. But today it, forgotten its ethics and morality. In this research we analyse superstition and its kinds. The types of superstition are in practice in the world and also in India. How the common people getting problems by following these practices.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Vinay M, Superstition programmes in the media and its impact on society, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017
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Vinay M, Superstition programmes in the media and its impact on society, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-2, February‾2017