Volume : VI, Issue : I, January - 2017
Succession planning: Planning for future leadership in sports
Vimal Kishore
Abstract :
In sports seniors are supposed to procure imperative advice and help to the individuals who are selected with the hopes of contributing well and to be their successors. But a major problem faced by sport clubs and associations is finding people to serve on the management committee, board and a better player for a required position in the team. While reviewing the history of successful teams and organizations it is analyzed that consistent performance and continuous success is associated with grooming in of talent which can be later developed into future leaders. Every team needs a roadmap for the future. The key to this roadmap is a robust organizational structure, with clear guidelines for roles and responsibilities. It is essential for any sporting team to have a clear succession plan in place. Reliance on the knowledge and skills of sole individuals is risky, can create uncertainty and a lack of performance continuity. A succession plan provides opportunities for potential leaders within the team to be identified and developed in readiness to move into leadership positions. Teams that plan for smooth transitions of leadership positions are less likely to experience disruptions to their operations and can better in position to replace volunteers who vacate their current positions. In spite of having its tremendous utility in sports, the term succession planning is not focused by team management, its owners and even by the researchers having their interest in sports, and techniques of enhancing sports performance. Therefore it is suggested for all those interested in sports to have a hawk eye on the term succession planning.
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Vimal Kishore, Succession planning: Planning for future leadership in sports, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017
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Vimal Kishore, Succession planning: Planning for future leadership in sports, GLOBAL JOURNAL FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS : Volume-6, Issue-1, January‾2017