Volume : IV, Issue : VII, July - 2015
Study of socio demographic and reproductive risk factors associated with Breast cancer in a tertiary care center
Hashmi S J, Gaikwad A V
Abstract :
Aim and Objectives: 1.study of epidemiological factors associated with east cancer patients attending a tertiary care centre.2. To know socioeconomic and demographic factors associated with east cancer.3. To know other (hormonal and reproductive) risk factors associated with east cancer. Methodology: Descriptive observational study was carried out in a tertiary care center. All patients with diagnosed east cancer registering in Aurangabad cancer registry throughout the whole year of 2012 were included in the study. Results: Age distribution in our study ranged from 22-75 years with mean age at diagnosis 50.75 years with standard deviation of 10.81.maximum number of cases i.e 73% are between 41-50 years.2.9 % of cases are from age group of 21-30 years of age. 59 % belongs to class IV of modified BG Prasads classification of socioeconomic status. 53.3 % are laborer by occupation followed by 38.1 % of cases are housewives. 6.7% of cases are doing some type of service while only1.5% are being unemployed. Educational stautus of case in our study shows that Mojority of population that is 59% of cases in our study were illiterate and only 4.3 % in graduate category.14.3% are educated upto primary school and 12.4% are educated upto middile class. in 69 % of cases age at menarch was below 12 years. Results of present study shows that 45.7 % of cases have given first birth at age of 16-20 years while 38.1 % between 21-25 years in our study. 16(7.1%) of case in our study were never been pregnant. Mean age at meopause is 48 .3 years with SD of 4.8 . Maximum that 36.7 % of cases are premenopausal women
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DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/gjra
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Hashmi S J, Gaikwad A V Study of Socio Demographic and Reproductive Risk Factors Associated with Breast Cancer in a Tertiary Care Center Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015
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Hashmi S J, Gaikwad A V Study of Socio Demographic and Reproductive Risk Factors Associated with Breast Cancer in a Tertiary Care Center Global Journal For Research Analysis, Vol: 4, Issue: 7 July 2015