Volume : IX, Issue : II, February - 2020

Study of Renal Calculi Correlates with various factors

Dr. Ramesh Kumar Panthi, Dr Gambheer Singh

Abstract :

Introduction : Renal colic is one of the common conditions in routine clinical practice now days. Kidney stones are one of the most common urological problems worldwide. The major risk factor for developing stones are hot climate, poor fluid intake, high animal protein diet and low calcium rich diet. Kidney stones are affecting almost all geographical, cultural and racial groups. Objective is to study various correlates of Renal Calculi in this part of the country. Methods: Case sheets of 100 patients were selected which were proven cases of Renal Calculi during a period of 6 months July 2019 to Dec 2019. Subjects included both the genders , all age groups including pediatric and geriatric age group and all classes of socio economic strata. This Retrospective study involved Prior Consent from Hospital Authorities / Medical Superintendent of the tertiary care hospitals to see the records of the patients & were found within ethical standards. Patients admitted in the various Randomly selected surgical units of tertiary care hospitals in Randomly selected districts of CG as diagnosed cases of Renal Calculi were included in this study. Patients underwent standard clinical examinations, routine biochemical and haematological investigations Results: Assessment of these selected patients was done in both IPD and OPD basis. The most prevalent age group are 26-50 years of 37% had renal calculi and males predominated over female has 61% vs. 39%. In the study there is significant prevalence of renal calculi which is 90% due to poor fluid intake and about 46% in patients who had history of gout. Analysis between serum uric acid and gender was significant and out of raised serum uric acid patients 44% were male and 26% were female. Out of the patients who had raised serum uric acid level 53% had larger calculi (> 6mm). Among males 61% were alcoholic. Out of alcoholic 52% had history of gout and 64% had high serum uric acid level both had significant value in study. Analysis between past history of renal calculi and history of gout had positive correlation and history of drug had negative correlation. Conclusion: Factors like diet and life style plays an important role in the changing epidemiology of kidney stone. Changes in two of most important environmental factors, diet and climate, are the significant impact on these trends. Patients who had raised serum calcium and serum uric acid level had larger and multiple calculi bilaterally. There is strong evidence that diminished fluid and dietary calcium consumption is risk factor and increase in animal protein intake has an equal impact on kidney stone risk. Kidney stone is higher in warm or hot climates, scanty fluid intake and low urine output. Co morbidity in particular Type II Diabetes mellitus may be a major factor in the development of stone.

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